Changes. Twenty Seventeen.

Hello! First post in 2017 like finally. Hahaha
As usual, I actually have a lot to share but I'm so lazy to actually sit down writing.
Today's would be a very short post (which I doubt hahahaha but yea guess it would be a really short one)
Just wanna update a bit about my life.

First of all, belated happy new year to y'all!
Wishing you all a great and wonderful 2017!

This year is a brand new year for me.
There are some changes in my life that I'd like to share.
Which I would like to keep it very low profile.

Peoples said life's a dream.
Life is like a journey to wonderland.
For me, I feel like I've been to the hell, to the wonderland, and back to my life.
I've been living in hell (in a rougher saying) years back.
Until I met one who gave me his hands, and guided me through the darkness.
Who then showed me how wonderful this world could be.

Thank you for the wonderful 5 years. 如梦似幻 梦很美。

Hmmm yes. We took one step back.
We are both cool with this :)

And we appreciate if you keep the words to yourself.

And that,

2017 is a challenging year for me.
Having a rushy final year project to settle.
And 2017 marks my last year being a student.
And there would be a mass farewells.
Hmmm. I'll do just great.

That's all for today I guess.
Till then.



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